5 Secrets To Building Bigger Calves

Dear Calisthenics Enthusiasts,

It wasn't until I understood that Calves were different from other muscles when it came to training and building them that I started seeing results.

1st off… I was not born with big calves. Where genetics did play a part was the length of my calves but they were skinny.

Building them from 13" to over 19" has taken years and the 5 secrets below are things I have followed for decades.

1. Frequency and Consistency: Train your calves frequently, ideally 2-4 times per week, with consistent effort.

Consistency is key to stimulating muscle growth.

2.Variety of Exercises: Incorporate a variety of calf exercises into your routine, including standing calf raises, seated calf raises, calf presses, and calf raises on a leg press machine. This ensures that you target all the muscles in your calves from different angles.

3. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight, sets, or reps of your calf exercises over time to continually challenge your muscles and stimulate growth. Progressive overload is essential for muscle adaptation and growth.

4. Range of Motion: This one may shock some. When I am going over moderate heavy I do not perform full range especially on the decent of the motion. This is purely to ensure I do not put too much strain on the Achilles. On lighter movements I do focus on performing calf exercises through a full range of motion to maximize muscle activation and stimulate growth. This means fully extending your ankles at the bottom of the movement and contracting your calf muscles at the top.

5. Nutrition and Recovery: Ensure you're consuming enough protein to support muscle growth and providing your body with adequate rest and recovery between calf workouts. Adequate sleep, hydration, and proper nutrition are essential for optimal muscle growth and repair.

Remember, building bigger calves takes time and dedication. Incorporate these secrets into your routine, stay consistent, and watch your calf muscles grow stronger and more defined.

These 5 secrets are by Micah Lacerte.

Best Regards,

The Calisthenics Network